Peer-reviewed articles
Cabanes, B., Plantec, Q., Le Masson, P. & Weil, B. (2024) Basic or applied research in university–industry collaborations? An analysis of research orientations in knowledge creation partnerships. European Management Review, 1–22.
Plantec, Q., Cabanes, B., Le Masson, P., & Weil, B. (2023). Early-career academic engagement in university–industry collaborative PhDs: Research orientation and project performance. Research Policy, 52(9), 104856.
Cabanes, B. & Denis-Rémis, C. (2023). L’entrepreneuriat technologique au service de la durabilité : une exploration de l’écosystème entrepreneurial deeptech. Entreprendre & Innover, 57, 60-72.
Cabanes., B. (2023). Should We Keep Brainstorming to Innovate? IEEE Engineering Management Review, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 12-14,
Cabanes, B., Hubac, S., Le Masson, P. & Weil, B. (2021). Improving reliability engineering in product development based on design theory: the case of FMEA in the semiconductor industry. Research in Engineering Design, 32, 309-329.
Cabanes, B. (2021). Oser la conception innovante pour une industrie de la mode et du luxe durable et responsable. Entreprendre & Innover, 3(3), 42-55.
Cabanes, B., Le Masson, P. & Weil, B. (2020). Organiser la création de connaissance pour l’innovation de rupture : Des communautés aux sociétés proto-épistémiques d’experts. Revue française de gestion, 288(3), 35-60.
Cabanes, B., Le Masson, P. & Weil, B. (2020). Les régimes de création d’expertise : innovation et gouvernance de l’expertise dans les organisations industrielles. Entreprises et histoire, 98(1), 15-41.
Stephane Monfray, Benjamin Cabanes, Christophe Maitre, Sébastien Boisseau. (2018). Système de mesure d’un niveau de puissance d’une source d’énergie ambiante. France, N° de brevet: FR3057350
Cabanes, B., Galy, P., Hubac, S. (2023). The governance of communities of experts at STMicroelectrics. In Crespin-Mazet, F., Golio, K., Guillaume, L.P., Parmentier, G., Thiesse, C. The practical guide to communities: a new lease on life for organizations, Edition d’Innovation.
Cabanes, B., Galy, P., Hubac, S. (2022). La société proto-épistémique: organiser le renouvellement des communautés d’experts pour l’innovation de rupture. In Crespin-Mazet, F., Golio, K., Guillaume, L.P., Parmentier, G., Thiesse, C. Le guide pratique des communautés, Editions d’Innovation.
Cabanes, B., Galy, P., Hubac, S. (2022). La gouvernance des communautés d’experts chez STMicroelectronics. In Crespin-Mazet, F., Golio, K., Guillaume, L.P., Parmentier, G., Thiesse, C. Le guide pratique des communautés, Editions d’Innovation.
Plantec, Q., Cabanes, B., Le Masson, P., Weil, B (2023). Caractérisation et performances des thèses Cifre. ANRT – Association Nationale Recherche Technologie.
Cabanes, B. (2019). Innovation et recherche dans la mode et le luxe : exploration de champs d’innovation et programmes de recherche. [Rapport de recherche] Mines ParisTech – PSL University. ⟨hal-02074617⟩
Cabanes, B. (2017). Modéliser l’émergence de l’expertise et sa gouvernance dans les entreprises innovantes : des communautés aux sociétés proto-épistémiques d’experts. Doctoral dissertation, MINES ParisTech – PSL Research University. [in english: Modeling the emergence of expertise and its governance in innovative organizations: from communities to proto-epistemic societies of experts]
Conference proceedings
Roger, O., Cabanes, B., Doganova, L. (2023). Uncertainty and complexity management in scenarios building as an innovation capability. Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Lecco, Italy.
Garçon, Q. Cabanes, B., Denis-Remis, C. (2023). Innovation ecosystem governance as a meta-organization: an exploratory case study on a digital health ecosystem. Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Lecco, Italy.
Keohane, J., Rayna, T., & Cabanes, B. (2023). From global to local value chain: how digital technologies enable born local strategies in a globalized industries. Case study of the French textile industry. R&D Management Conference, Sevilla, Spain.
Garçon, Q. Cabanes, B., Denis-Remis, C. (2023). Meta-organization for innovation ecosystem governance: the case of a digital health innovation ecosystem. 39th EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy.
Roger, O., Cabanes, B., Doganova, L. (2023). Scenarios as instruments of future-making: a practice-based analysis of RAND Europe policy scenarios. 39th EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy.
Keohane, J., Rayna, T., & Cabanes, B. (2023). French Jeans: case study of born local strategies. An analysis from a value-based perspective. XXXIIème conférence de l’AIMS, Strasbourg, France.
Keohane, J., Rayna, T., & Cabanes, B. (2023). Bringing manufacturing activities back home: a born local strategy in the textile industry enabled by a business model innovation. 8th International Conference on New Business Model, Mastricht, Netherlands.
Keohane, J., Rayna, T., & Cabanes, B. (2022). Jeans are coming home: case study of a French re-industrialisation business model. 6th Geography of Innovation Conference, Milano, Italy.
Plantec, Q., Cabanes, B., Le Masson, P., Weil, B. (2021). Market-pull or research push? effects of research orientations on university-industry collaborative ph.d. projects’ performances. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, United States.
Plantec, Q., Cabanes, B., Le Masson, P., & Weil, B. (2019). Exploring Practices In University-Industry Collaborations: The Case Of Collaborative Doctoral Program In France. R&D Management Conference 2019, Palaiseau, France
Cabanes, B., Le Masson, P., & Weil, B. (2018). Managing collaborative knowledge creation for radical innovation: Beyond epistemic communities. 34th EGOS Colloquium, Jul 2018, Tallinn, Estonia.
Cabanes, B., Galy, P., Le Masson, P., & Weil, B. (2016). Technical staff management for radical innovation in science-based organizations: a new framework based on design theory. R&D Management Conference, Cambridge, UK.
Cabanes, B., Hubac, S., Le Masson, P., & Weil, B. (2016). From FMEA as a problem solving method to a design-oriented process: Toward a design perspective of FMEA. DS 84: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia. [Outstanding contribution Award, 14th International Design Conference]
Cabanes, B., Hubac, S., Le Masson, P., & Weil, B. (2016). Design-oriented manufacturing: the case of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in semiconductor industry. 9th International Workshop on Design Theory, Special Interest Group of the Design Society, Paris, France.
Cabanes, B., Le Masson, P., Weil, B., Kokshagina, O., & Cogez, P. (2015). Innovation et compétition entre plateformes technologiques : vers une stratégie basée sur la pervasivité des technologies. XXIVe Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique, Paris.
Cabanes, B., Segrestin, B., Le Masson, P., & Weil, B. (2014). Understanding the role of collective imaginary in the dynamics of expectations: the space industry case study. 21st International Product Development Management Conference, Limerick, Irlande.
Professional Journals & Press
Cabanes, B., Roger, O. & Doganova, L. (2023). Case study: how Shell anticipated the 1973 oil crisis. Polytechnique Insight.
Cabanes, B., Roger, O. & Doganova, L. (2023). The scenario method: an aid to strategic planning. Polytechnique Insight.
Cabanes, B., Roger, O. & Doganova, L. (2023). How can foresight help us imagine the future? Polytechnique Insight.
Cabanes, B., & Cruaud, N. (2023). Construction, textiles: how eco-design is transforming certain markets. Polytechnique Insight.
Plantec, Q., Cabanes, B., Ratier, E., Le Masson, P. & Weil, B. (2024). Recherche ou innovation ? Avec les thèses Cifre, plus besoin de choisir. The Conversation France [en ligne].
Cabanes, B., Roger, O. & Doganova, L. (2023). Anticiper le futur : le cas de Shell et du choc pétrolier de 1973. Polytechnique Insight.
Cabanes, B., Roger, O. & Doganova, L. (2023). La méthode des scénarios : un outil d’aide à la planification stratégique. Polytechnique Insight.
Cabanes, B., Roger, O. & Doganova, L. (2023). Comment les démarches de prospective permettent-elles de penser le futur ? Polytechnique Insight.
Cabanes, B., & Cruaud, N. (2023). Bâtiment, textile: comment l’éco-conception transforme les marchés. Polytechnique Insight.
Cabanes, B. (2021). Innovation de rupture : comment collaborer pour créer de nouvelles connaissances. Havard Business Review France [en ligne].
Cabanes, B. (2021). Comment les entreprises renouvellent-elles leurs expertises technologiques pour innover ? Havard Business Review France [en ligne].
Cabanes, B. (2021). Faut-il continuer à brainstormer ? Havard Business Review France [en ligne].
Cabanes, B. (2021). Le management des experts dans les stratégies d’innovation. Forbes France [en ligne].
Cabanes, B. (2021). L’industrie de la mode en France : faut-il se contenter que de la haute couture ? Forbes France [en ligne].
Cabanes, B. (2021). Textile-habillement : les initiatives de la recherche pour relancer la filière française. The Conversation [en ligne].
Cabanes, B. (2020). Les quatre régimes de création d’expertise dans les entreprises industrielles. The Conversation France [en ligne].
Cabanes, B. (2015). La loi croissance et activité introduit un principe d’innovation. Les Echos [en ligne].
Cabanes, B. (2013). Les magnats du numérique investissent le secteur spatial. Les Echos [en ligne].