test resume

I am a Research Fellow & Lecturer in innovation management and entrepreneurship at Ecole des Mines de Paris PSL University and an Adjunct Lecturer at Ecole Polytechnique, IP Paris. Since 2022, I am the co-founder and co-director of the advanced master in deeptech entrepreneurship and innovation from Mines Paris, PSL University.

I teach deeptech entrepreneuship and strategic management of technology and innovation at Mines Paris, and ecodesign for sustainable innovation at Ecole Polytechnique. I also conduct research as Associate Research Fellow at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation (MINES ParisTech, Telecom Paris, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS- UMR 9217). Previously, I was the academic head of the Department of Industrial Engineering at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech. I obtained my PhD from Ecole des Mines de ParisPSL University, a MS from Paris Dauphine University and a Master of Engineering from ESTACA. Before joining academia I worked in the aerospace and semiconductor industries in Montréal (Canada), Toulouse (France) and Grenoble (France).

My main research interests concern the intersection of several subfields of strategic management, innovation management, entrepreneurship and engineering design: new product development, R&D management, knowledge creation for radical innovation, HRM of R&D and innovation, deeptech entrepreneurship and university–industry collaborations.

Academic and Research Positions

Previously, I was the academic head of the Department of Industrial Engineering at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech. I teach design engineering and innovation and sustainable design in the engineering graduate program. I also conduct research as Associate Research Fellow at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation (MINES ParisTech, Telecom Paris, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS- UMR 9217).

I obtained my PhD from Ecole des Mines de ParisPSL University, a MS from Paris Dauphine University and a Master of Engineering from ESTACA. Before joining academia I worked in the aerospace and semiconductor industries in Montréal (Canada), Toulouse (France) and Grenoble (France).

My main research interests concern the intersection of several subfields of strategic management, innovation management, entrepreneurship and engineering design: new product development, R&D management, knowledge creation for radical innovation, HRM of R&D and innovation, deeptech entrepreneurship and university–industry collaborations.

Benjamin Cabanes received the M.Eng. degree in aerospace engineering from the ESTACA School of Engineering, Paris, France, in 2012, and the M.Sc. degree in management of technology and innovation and the Ph.D. degree in management from Mines Paris, PSL University, Paris, in 2013 and 2017, respectively. He is currently a Research Fellow and Lecturer in innovation management with Mines Paris, PSL University. He is the co-founder and Co-Director of the advanced master in deeptech entrepreneurship and innovation from Mines Paris, PSL University. He is also an Associate Researcher with the Research Center in Management, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Paris. His research interests include new product development, innovation management, technology management, strategic management, and university–industry collaborations.

Academic & Research Positions

Oct 2019 – Present Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Academic Head, Department of Industrial Engineering
Paris, France
Oct 2019 – Present MINES ParisTech – PSL University
Associate Research Fellow at the Center of Management Science, CGS-i3 UMR CNRS 9217 (Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation)
Paris, France
May 2019 – Jun 2019 ETH Zürich – Chair of Strategic Management & Innovation
Visiting Research Scholar, invited by Prof. von Krogh
Zürich, Switzerland
Jun 2017 – Sept 2019 MINES ParisTech – PSL University
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center of Management Science, CGS-i3 UMR CNRS 9217 (Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation)
Paris, France


Nov 2013 – Jun 2017 MINES ParisTech – PSL University (#50 QS World University Rankings)
PhD, Strategic Management & Innovation
Paris, France
Sept 2014 – Dec 2016 Grenoble Alpes University
University Diploma, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
Grenoble, France
Sep 2012 – Dec 2013 Paris Dauphine University – PSL University (#50 QS World University Rankings)
Master of Science, Technology & Innovation Management
Paris, France
Sep 2006 – Sep 2012 ESTACA School of Engineering – ISAE Group
Master of Science in Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
Paris, France


Jun 2019 Nominated (special mention), Best Ph.D Award, La Fabrique de l’Industrie (French think tank about industry issues)
May 2018 Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Management (French National Foundation for Education in Management)
May 2016 Outstanding contribution Award, 14th International Design Conference, Croatia